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Lasagna Bolognese is one of Italy's most loved dishes! Different than the typical Italian American Lasagna which is loaded with ricotta cheese and fillings (although that is yummy too! ) this dish is more sublime consisting and highlighting the pasta - sheets and sheets of thin homemade egg pasta layered with a creamy Bechimella Sauce and Ragu Bolognese.

Sounds simple but it is a labor of love. The Bolognese sauce must be made in advance as it cooks for hours and is best done ahead ( which I will do in advance of class and then share the secrets with you ).

We will create the pasta sheets together - two versions including spinach pasta. We will also create the beschimella and then assemble all and bake! 

Much lighter than the American style Lasagna - your friends and family will drool over this very authentic and completely delectable masterpiece from your kitchen.


We will also make a fresh salad with homemade vinagrette and a light dessert. Register today and climb that mountain to the peak! 


Lasagna Bolognese - Culinary Mount Everest!

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