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All Classes


Our classes are designed to help the home chef to become a kitchen rock star!

We offer small group, hands-on technique-focused experiences. You will learn not only the menu for the evening but basic culinary principles that will elevate your kitchen knowledge and confidence. Cooking at home is the best thing you can do for your health (and your wallet!) and there is no better way to show care for your friends and loved ones! A little wine helps to add festivity as well, and you are welcome to bring your own to complement the meal! Come join us for a fun-filled, educational, and yummy experience!


  We are happy to offer private group classes.

Please see private classes page for more info and pricing. 

Groups can choose from ANY of the many classes we offer. Please contact Linda for more details.

Italian Inspired
Italian Inspired
American Inspired
American Inspired
French Inspired
French Inspired
Other International Cuisines
Other Internatonal Cuisines
Culinary Fundamental/Technique Classes
Culinary Fundamentals
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